Rams IV Vs Crows

The Crows travelled to Rams' impressive Old Bath Road ground on a sunny February day, with a strong squad in determined mood. A win would put Crowthorne in a realistic position to chase the league title. The Crows had 5 changes in the pack, 2 positional, with Osborne back in his familiar loose head position, Bullett back into hooker, Mollett at tight head, Clarkson shifting to openside and George Watson back in at number 8. There were also 2 changes in the backline, with Smith in for the departed Lang and Coombes starting at 12. The Rams ranks were bolstered by the…

Crows Vs Phoenix

January 28th 2023 marked the club's annual Presidents day. A great opportunity to honour a founding member and long term servant of the club, Ian "Chippy" Macleod! To start the day, the Thorns put on a fine display in an excellent festival of Women's rugby, in which 3 teams combined to put on an entertaining game and a good time was had by all who took part. Following this, the President's lunch got into full swing. So much so, that the assembled dignitaries completely forgot to bring the new scoreboard to the touchline for a pre match presentation. However, that was rectified…