Crows take on Slough

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Fourth Win of the Season for the Crows

The Crows headed to Slough for the fourth game of the season with a 100% record to defend but also to get the rugby played in order to enjoy a couple of Christmas beers. With a squad of 18 the game kicked off in blustery, soft underfoot conditions. Crows captain George Watson elected to play into the wind and the early exchanges where played out in the midfield with both side sizing each other up. Five penalties close to the Crowthorne line contrived to gift Slough a forwards dominated score under the Crows post which was duly converted. During this phase of indiscipline saw centre Glenn Osbourne sent to the sin bin for a no arms tackle. Coming out of the traps the Crowthoprne side drove up field with some good ball retention seeing the Crows put a number of phases together enabling prop Dan Harvey tp cross the white wash wide out on the left for the Crows first score but with the wind against the conversion points were not taken. Keeping the pressure on the Crows recovered the restart and worked hard mixing things up with short forward drives whilst also moving the ball through the hands with the Slough defence committing to the breakdowns space open up wide out on the right allowing Danny Torney to show some clean heals in new lime green cleats to score a great team try. Two scores whilst down to 14 men was a great return for the positive team effort delivering a 7-10 halftime lead.
Changes throughout the pack with Albert Watson returning to the back row after deputising at scrum half saw a much changed front row and new second row. The first scrum of the half saw the Crows pack driven backwards however, at the next and following set pieces the Crows pack dominated this set piece with ease which bodes well for the future. With second half scores from James Delacki and George Watson and a conversion added by Jamie the Crows extended their unbeaten run to four matches running out 7-22 winners. With players putting their hands up to play out of preferred positions (Jim, Jamie(No10)) a good team spirit is developing with this group, along with newer players (Liam Fraser, Callum (Jock) continuing to improve and show great individual skills on the park. A fantastic opportunist drop goal attempt shaved the post (Dan Stanton) and was only beaten to the DoD award to Ozzy’s for his blatant no arm’s challenge in from of the post and under the referees nose. The MoM was won strongly by match day captain George Watson who led from the front.
Training continues this Wednesday at Wellington Health and Fitness Club, 7pm(all welcome). Come along and enjoy some rugby related fitness.

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